Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Easy Income from Home

Well the title is a phrase you’ve probably heard 1,000 times. And while not all of the ways to make money at home are as easy as we wish they were, it actually is entirely possible to earn a living from websites on your computer.

One of the ways you can make money on your computer is by enrolling in websites that pay you to complete polls. Companies across markets need to know what people think and what they value, and therefore create surveys to find out if you’d rather have Ed Hardy boots or Nine West boots, for example. Retailers want to know how much you spend on things, and companies like Coach shoes want to know what sports you’re investing your disposable income in.

There are also many websites, particularly social sites that are trying to grow, that let you make money on your computer by paying you to blog. Social websites need content in order to attract more members, so your input is critical to their early stages of growth in particular.

If you have a creative mind, a small amount to invest, and some time, you can make money by purchasing domain names and then reselling them as people express interest. This is called “flipping websites.” Sitting at your computer, you can develop an inventory of domain names and become a reseller. This is a great way to make money if you can just think of a few website names that people might be taken with.

Probably the easiest way to make money at your computer is to set up a website of your own in order to become an advertising host. There are several brokers that act as intermediaries. You offer them space on your site to place their ads. Several have an option to set up rotating ads so that your site doesn’t become stale as well. When people click the ads, the rewards from the companies who work with the advertising brokers can be quite lucrative.

The ultimate dream is really to make money by doing nothing. And in all honesty, that’s not going to happen, even on your computer. But with the investment of some time and energy, you really can make money at home by visiting websites on your computer. And that can give you more time with your family, less time commuting, and more flexibility in your life. And aside from the ultimate dream, isn’t that really the ultimate?

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